On the 24th, instead of completing my household chores in advance of Stephanie's Mom, Nicole, arriving to spend Christmas with us, I decided to go off script and build an epic snowman. Initially, my intentions were good. Some exterior work was needed due to all the snow and sudden rise in temperature. I had to move some snow around and clear some drainage to minimize the risk of water damage.... and suddenly realized that I could make a HUGE pile of snow on my back deck. Everyone knows that huge piles of snow are good for two things. Snow forts and/or snowmen. While I'd generally lean towards a fort, it was raining, so I opted for the less messy project and built a snowman. I even strung some lights on him so we can appreciate him out the back window at night.
After a very memorable day and meeting lots of new friends, he was happy to return home to crash with his Mommy - afterall, he's still a Momma's boy.