We were getting a little stir crazy at home with little Holden, so we went on another road trip last weekend. It was very cold outside, but we bundled Holden up and he was content to snooze in his car seat as we took him from place to place to show him off.
On Saturday we spent the morning with Barry and Ralph (Barry's dog). For the most part, Ralph wasn't very interested in the baby - though he did nuzzle and smell him a couple of times. We had a very nice visit and Holden was on his best behaviour
Saturday afternoon was spent at my parents place. It turned out to be very good timing because Gerry and Lisa were there with Cole and Keira, so Holden had a chance to meet his cousins!
Keira had to keep her distance (much to her disappointment) because she was sick. Cole took a few minutes, but eventually warmed up to Holden and showed off his Spiderman socks. I'm sure Cole will be the cool older cousin that Holden looks up to.
On Sunday, we visited Kay and Paul Davis. Kay is my great-aunt and Paul my second-cousin. Holden was on his best behaviour... almost too good because he slept through almost the entire 3 hour visit!
Comme il a grossi & grandi en si peu de temps.
Je ne crois pas que les vĂȘtements que je lui ai achetĂ©s vont lui faire.
But isn't he gorgeous!!!!!!!!
I know, he is already too tall for a lot of his newborn pajamas. He is getting the most adorable chubby cheeks too!
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